Sponsorship Program
The Kitty Kare Program allows you to help out a homeless kitty until he or she finds a home. This is a great program for those who want to adopt but can’t. This is your way to help out our cats.
For as little as $10 a month you can help out a cat of your choice or you can make a one time donation towards your favorite feline. Your donation will go directly to your cat and help with any veterinary expenses or special needs the cat may have. Some of the cats that need sponsors are Papi and Lucki. Please help our special guys.
As a sponsor you will receive a thank you card from your special kitty and updates on the cat’s activity. We will also post your name on our website to thank you for supporting the cat while in our care.
You can also send your special kitty, toys, food or anything you want to make his or her stay with us more enjoyable.
Our program is a win-win situation that will benefit you and your special kitty. This is also a great opportunity for organizations or individuals who are looking for service projects.
Here are some of the cats that are looking to be sponsored (you can sponsor whoever you’d like but these kitties would greatly appreciate it) :
Please click on the kitties name to read more about them.
Papi – We are sad to say that Papi crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Saturday, September 22nd. His time come and he will be very much missed by his foster family.
Dimitri– Adopted!!
For more information on how you can become a sponsor in our Kitty Kare Program, please email mommakitty@bdog.org or call us at 610-973-7400.
A Special thanks to all who are sponsoring one of our kitties while they are anxiously awaiting their forever home!
Laura Williams Dimitri and Skye