Wish List for the kitties!

Wish List on Amazon to Benefit the cats and kittens at our shelter and in foster care with Itty Bitty Kitty

Itty Bitty Kitty now has a Wish List on Amazon.com.   The items listed on our wish list are for the cats and kittens at the shelter and in foster care and also for our adoption center located at the PetSmart in Quakertown.   Most of the items are toys for the cats and kittens.   We seem to go through alot of toys since we wash and bleach everything which means they don’t last long.  Please help the kitties in our care by donating an item or two to help their stay with us be a fun one.  Just click on the link below to see the items we could use.


You can also view the list on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/group.php?gid=23104328959.

Breaking News: Itty Bitty Kitty is on twitter. 🙂

Follow Me, we will posting updates to our events (adoption days, clinics and pinics), as well as new events as they come up. 🙂